Lemon, Ginger, Thyme Tea Recipe

I love this tea for taking care of my throat. It can help you fight off something that is just hinting or help in the recovery from a big cough. I brew it every time my throat feels a little funky and it is a tasty & soothing treat for our whole family.

½ to 1 Whole Lemon
1 to 2 Inch chunk of ginger
4-5 Sprigs of fresh thyme
Honey to taste

Alternate Ingredients:
Lemon Tea (1 tea bag)
Ginger Tea (1 tea bag)
Dried Thyme (dried is much more potent, so start small with quantity...maybe ½ teaspoon?)

Boil Water. Cut lemon into quarters. Rough slice the ginger. Rinse the thyme. Combine these ingredients and steep (covered) for 10+ minutes. Pour into a mug and add honey to taste.

Extra ideas:

  • If I’m really trying to boost my immune system on the early side of symptoms, I load this up with ginger and even chew on some chunks of ginger. While intense in flavor, I have noticed this is an extremely fast acting and soothing habit to help my throat feel better.

  • This is great hot but I’ve been known to sip on it at room temperature as a delicious way to stay hydrated.


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